
January 1, 2011

Making Stuff: Materials Science and Engineering on NOVA

Beginning January 19, 2011 PBS will broadcast a four part series titled, "Making Stuff" focusing on materials that are stronger, smaller, cleaner and smarter. Purdue Materials Engineering has contributed to advances in each of these topics.
July 25, 2007

Ross Fellowship Program

The Ross Fellowship recruits outstanding doctoral-seeking students to graduate programs at Purdue University . The Ross Fellowships are to be used as Ph.D. recruitment fellowships. These students do not apply directly to the fellowship, but are selected by the interdisciplinary program to which they are associated. Qualifications for acceptance to a Ross Fellowship are student academic and scholarly achievements and ability.
July 25, 2007

Materials Student Nominated for Best Poster

Elizabeth Herzog, one of our Materials Engineering undergraduate students, was nominated for Best Poster at the 2004 MRS Fall Meeting and came in 4th place out of over 200 posters. Herzog's poster can be view by clicking here. Although she did not win best poster, being nominated is quite the honor. Read more…
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