Registration Summer 2025

Students manually schedule themselves in the Scheduling Assistant for summer session instead of completing a course request form (CRF) and being enrolled via PreReg. Read this newsletter to learn how, in addition to other summer session details.

Summer 2025 Registration

Summer 2025 registration season has begun.  Time tickets have opened for most students. Your time ticket is in myPurdue>Register for Classes card>Registration Status & Time Ticket. The full summer Schedule of Classes is also in your myPurdue portal. Online classes are incredibly popular with undergraduate students.  Students can view the full list of online courses on the Think Summer website.  

Students manually schedule themselves in the Scheduling Assistant for summer session instead of completing a course request form (CRF) and being enrolled later. Unsure what this means? Follow this step-by-step video.  

The summer PIN will be needed and it is the same as the spring PIN that you received for Spring 2025. Students are welcome to make an appointment with their primary advisor in BoilerConnect if they are unsure what courses to take.  Students are NOT required to do EEE mentoring for summer registration.

Registration Troubleshooting

Having trouble registering, adding, or dropping? Need an override for a class? There are many resources on the EEE Registration Tools page, such as instruction links for Scheduling Assistant:

The Registrar page also has links for most common registration issues at

If you have questions Make an advising appointment via BoilerConnect with your primary advisor. Emailing quick questions is ok but responses may be slow. While you await a response, you are empowered to utilize the following resources:

  • Fully read and re-read the content on this page
  • EEE Registration Tools page
  • Your myPurduePlan
  • Your myPurdue portal, which has unofficial transcript, course search features (Look Up Classes), HOLDs that keep you from registering, etc.
  • Purdue Registrar YouTube channel has help videos and demos.
  • Scheduling Assistant (during Open Reg) - Use Scheduling Assistant to build full schedule. Demo video.
  • Registration Errors (during Open Reg) - Students should submit requests in Scheduling Assistant. Instructions here.

Summer Internships: EEE 39699 Professional Practice Internship Course

Recently Purdue has waived fees associated with coop/internship courses so there’s a new philosophy to enroll students so that Purdue can ensure students have a valuable work experience.  Students enrolled in EEE 39699 will have tasks in a Brightspace course that Ms. Whelton administers. This is a 0-credit course that will allow you to document your work experience on your Purdue transcript, with a time commitment of approximately 2-3 hours total.  Course dates are: June 16-Aug 5. The course requires permission; when you submit your request please include the company name and your position titleSee EEE 39699 flyer or the following for further explanation on transcripting work experiences: Email Ms. Whelton ( with questions. 

There are several benefits of registering for EEE 39699 while completing a Work Integrated Learning Experience such as Co-op or Internship. Students enrolled in the course will be able to:

  • Identify and articulate their individual growth in specific technical and professional skills as a result of the experience.

  • Create a record of what was gained through the experience, which will be beneficial for future interviews, resume writing, the overall job search, etc.

  • Internship Course documented on your transcript for future employers to see proof of experiential learning

  • Receive valuable feedback from their employers.

  • Stay connected: During the internship or co-op experience, students are connected to campus via their course instructor.

  • Provide feedback to Purdue about workplace satisfaction, salaries, benefits, etc. 

  • Help Purdue become the #1 university in the U.S. for co-op and internship programs, increasing the value of the Purdue degree.

In addition to registering internship experiences, students may later become eligible to enroll in the co-op program and earn a co-op certificate which will show on the transcript. 

Other Summer 2025 info:

BIOL 28600 was recently added to the summer schedule and the course is already nearing full capacity. If you need this course in summer, enroll quickly. 

Advisor-Initiated Scholarship – Advisors can nominate up to three students who would benefit from summer courses to be considered for a scholarship of up to $500.  The advisor deadline to nominate is February 28. Preference is given to first-year and second-year students who need to catch up on degree requirements.  Reach out to your EEE advisor (Tammi Thayer or Maeve Brewer) if you are interested in this nomination. 

Summer Stay – Selected students can earn up to $2,500 in exchange for completing a 140-hour research or internship experience alongside 9 credit hours. Research and internship credits count. This opportunity is very competitive. The priority deadline to apply is February 28 and the final deadline is March 28.

Summer Internship Plus – Selected students earn up to $1,000 for completing an off-campus internship alongside 6+ credit hours of online or on-campus coursework. Internship credits count. The priority deadline to apply is February 28 and the final deadline is March 28.

Summer Finish Scholarship – Selected students earn up to $500 for graduating in August instead of waiting until December. The priority deadline to apply is February 28 and the final deadline is March 28.

Summer Double Major, Summer Minors, Undergraduate Certificate, and Co-op Scholarships – Selected students can earn up to $1,000 for completing 6+ credit hours of online or on-campus coursework. The priority deadline to apply is February 28 and the final deadline is March 28.

Summer Financial Aid – All students interested in receiving summer financial aid need to complete the Summer Aid Application. The Summer Aid Application will be available in a student's myPurdue account under the Financial Tab beginning in March. Initial summer financial aid notifications will begin in May.  If an application is submitted after this time, it will take  1-2 weeks  to receive a Financial Aid award notification from that submission date.  All updates are available and viewable on myPurdue. More information is available on the Summer Aid website.

Summer Housing – Undergraduate students who are in need of summer housing and are registered for at least one course can find more information on the Summer Housing. Students completing non-credit internship or research experiences should visit the Summer Intern Housing website.