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Using x-win32

Purdue Engineering Computer Network After the X software is installed on your PC, you will see 2 new icons in your ECN group. A green X and a blue X.

To start up the X server, double-click on the blue X icon. Place that icon in the startup group if you want it to start up automatically. After starting up X, you will get a dialog window showing you the version number of the X windows software if it was launched successfully. You can close this window.

You will see a dialog box for your server xterm. In the dialog box you will have a login and password field. Enter your login and the password you normally use when you log onto this server. Click OK.

An xterm window on this server will appear.

At the bottom of your screen there will be a blue icon. Select the icon and pull out the "Sessions" menu. Usually it is configured for just a server xterm. You can start another server xterm by selecting this, and again, entering your password. You can now launch more X software from that xterm.

Editing an Existing X Session and Creating New X Sessions

The green icon is the X-Win Utility and is used to configure your sessions. Double click on the green X. Pull down the "Edit Sessions" menu. You will notice this list is the same as the "Sessions" menu you used with the blue X icon. Select the server xterm item. The "Edit Current Session" dialog box will appear.

To create a new session, still using the green icon, select the "New Session" item under the "Edit Sessions" menu.

You will see the "Edit New Session" dialog box. This dialog contains the same fields as the xterm dialog box above.

To add a new session to your X-Win menu, fill in the fields as appropriate, then click the OK button.

Once set up, the item will immediately appear under the blue X icons session list.


FrameMaker Session
ImageMagick Session

Last Modified: Dec 19, 2016 11:12 am US/Eastern
Created: Jun 21, 2007 1:08 pm GMT-4 by admin