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Sharepoint Services

What is SharePoint?

ITaP hosts and maintains a server running Microsoft SharePoint 2010 for the College of Engineering. This overview will be discussing the implementation of this product.

SharePoint's features fall into six main categories. An overview of what features are offered in these six categories is explained below.

  1. Collaboration - Teams have a centralized location to collaborate on and publish documents. Task lists can be created to show progress on specific projects. Workflows offer users the ability to have actions run automatically when certain triggers are initiated. Information can be further shared by utilizing web 2.0 technologies like wikis and blogs.
  2. Portals - Create a customized personal MySite portal to share information with coworkers. Visitors that come to your portal view a personalized experience that is based on the user's profile.
  3. Enterprise Search - Efficiently and quickly find content and people in business applications. For sensitive content, specific folders and documents can be set to be excluded from search results.
  4. Enterprise Content Management - Create a web site that serves web content, such as collaboration services to team members. Web sites are updated with information through a web browser, removing the need for individual users to install special programs or know coding.
  5. Business Process and Forms - Create workflows and electronic forms to automate and streamline various processes.
  6. Business Intelligence - Monitor key performance indicators, analyze and view data, and publish reports.

Who can use ECN's SharePoint ?

Any College of Engineering staff, faculty member, or graduate student may request a portal (Subsite) off the ECN SharePoint Site Collection.

How do you request an ECN SharePoint site?

Request access using our Contact Us Form

When filling out the ticket, be sure to select "Engineering Computer Network" from the "School/Department" drop down. In the "Comment or Details of Problem:" section, be sure to include:

  1. That you want a SharePoint Subsite created, and your intentions for the site.
  2. Indicate the name you would like to use for the Subsite
  3. Indicate the name(s) of the Subsite Owner(s).

NOTE: As the Site Collection Administrator (Owner), you have responsibility for the data on your WHOLE Sharepoint Site Collection. The new Subsite Owner(s) must understand the data handling policies of Purdue University found at

Last Modified: Feb 20, 2022 4:49 pm US/Eastern
Created: Jan 28, 2022 2:03 pm US/Eastern by admin
