
ECN currently manages 14,857 users, 537,096 accounts, and over 18 terabytes of data storage space.
For almost 30 years, the Engineering Computer Network has provided computing services for all the Schools within the College of Engineering. ECN is a source of information on hardware, software and new computing innovations. For day to day questions or problems the helpdesk provides attention within 24 hours with assistance provided to 80% of all queries in that window of time.
In the support of computing and research for Engineering, backups are done on a daily basis on all supported machines. The ECN Staff is knowledgeable about cutting-edge computing equipment and offers guidance with purchasing and ordering for departments and faculty.
A multitude of software applications are installed and maintained by ECN Central staff for system wide and individual machines.
Email services are made available: IMAP, POP, Webmail and Command line access.
Website hosting with centralized security and problem solving is offered. Aid is given in developing and maintaining departmental, educational, and research websites.