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Microsoft Office XP: Using Office Clipart on ECN Computers

Applies To:

  • Microsoft Office XP Professional


Microsoft Office XP comes with a large amount of clipart and photographs that you can use in your documents. Due to the large size of the collection, many of the images are stored on the network. This document describes how to use the Clip Organizer to access thousands of pre-installed clipart images as well as issues with adding your own clipart.

Accessing Installed Clipart

You can access and view the thousands of installed clipart images by starting the Microsoft Clip Organizer. This can be found by clicking on the Start button and then going to the Programs->ECN Software->Microsoft Office folder. When Microsoft Clip Organizer starts, you will see several root folders: My Collections, Shared Collections, Office Collections, and Web Collections. The Office Collections folder contains clipart that comes standard with Office XP. The Web Collections folder contains clipart that can be accessed on Microsoft's website. The Shared Collections folder contains clipart that comes with the Office XP Media Content CD. This is shared on the local ECN network. My Collections is used for storing your personal clipart collection. (See the section below on My Collections for an important note.)

To use any of the clipart, simply right-click on an image and select Copy from the pop-up menu. The image will be copied to the clipboard which then allows you to paste it into any open document. You can also use features from within Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. to access your clipart. Check the online help for more information if you're unsure of how to do that.

Notes on My Collections

While the My Collections folder provides you with a convenient mechanism for which to add clipart, it can cause problems with your roaming profile. Specifically, as you begin to add clipart to the collection, a file in your roaming profile will begin to grow and may cause you to exceed your roaming profile quota. If you must add clipart to this collection which then causes you to exceed your roaming profile quota, follow the steps below to circumvent this problem:

  1. Add clipart to the collection as desired.
  2. As you add images to the folders, be sure to scroll through each folder and view a thumbnail image of each piece of clipart. This will cause your roaming profile to grow. If you receive an over quota message, you can ignore it for now.
  3. Once you are done adding clipart and scrolling through to view all of the thumbnail images, type the following command at a command prompt: move "%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Clip Organizer\mstore10.mgc" N:\pchome\.pcprefs\OfficeXP\clipart\YYYYMMDD.mgc and replace YYYYMMDD with the 4-digit year, 2-digit month, and 2-digit day. (This file name can be anything you like, but it must be unique. Be sure to get the quotes around the filename. The command may break over several lines in this document but should be typed on a single line at the command prompt.)
  4. Start Microsoft Clip Organizer and select Add Clips to Organizer on the File menu. Click On My Own.
  5. In the Files of Type box, click Shared Catalogs.
  6. Browse to N:\pchome\.pcprefs\OfficeXP\clipart and select the MGC file you created in step 3. The collection will now be a part of the Shared Collections folder.

Last Modified: Dec 19, 2016 11:12 am US/Eastern
Created: Nov 1, 2007 1:47 pm GMT-4 by admin