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ThinLinc sessions

ThinLinc Client Installation

Before you begin: When using a computer off-campus, you may first need to connect to Purdue's Virtual Private Network. Remember, your Purdue Login 2FA (formerly BoilerKey) is REQUIRED to access this service. For VPN, use your Purdue username and add comma-'push' after your password (e.g. password,push).

ThinLinc clients for PC and MacOS are available from:


ECE specific user information

RCAC specific user information


ThinLinc stuck session clearing

If your ThinLinc session is stuck, you may use the lab ThinLinc clients, or the clients installed from the URL above, and use the "Advanced" tab to choose the option of "Close all sessions before logging off" This option is not available from the web client.


Internal ECN Staff notes:

If ECN Staff have to manually kill a session in the absence of the user experiencing the problems, ECN Staff will have to use the second method of manually logging in to each ThinLinc host (ececomp1 through comp4), search for all the users processes, 'ps -u <login name> -f' and if found then killing these off by using 'pkill -u <login name>' and checking again to make sure all stale processes have been removed.
One way of doing this is to run
pkill -9 -u <login>;ps -u <login> -f
until the only job showing is the actual grep
If this does not fix the problem, but users can get past the login screen, then it most likely a problem with one of the dot files for the GUI.  Have them try a different GUI, ie. if they are using BASH have them try KDE.  If that fixes the problems then remove the dot files for the offending shell and have
them try it again.
If all steps above have been done, but users still cannot get past the login screen, then it could be a run away process; ECN Staff should contact Andy.

Last Modified: May 5, 2024 8:58 pm GMT-4
Created: Jun 15, 2015 12:56 pm GMT-4 by admin