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ELM: Creating a signature file

To create a signature file, to be included in your messages, you need to do a few things. You'll need to decide on a name for the signature file, traditionally, .signature is used. Then, put some text in there which you want to be added to the bottom of your outgoing messages. Try to keep it under 4 lines. Then, you'll need to start up elm and type o to get into the options menu, then > to save them, followed by i to return to the index, and lastly q to quit elm. Next, you need to go edit the elmrc file to tell where your signature file is. Do this by typing cd ~/.elm. Then, using your favorite editor, edit the file called elmrc [pico elmrc for instance]. Go to the end of the file and tack on a line which says:

signature = .signature

where the .signature is the name of your signature file. Then, simply save the file (^x y RET with pico). Starting up elm at this point and sending a message should put the text of your signature file at the end of your message, preceded by a set of dashes '--'.

One caution here, creating your file as .signature will likely also cause that file to be inserted into your network news postings also.

The short form (using pico):


elm		#Start up elm
o>iq #save options to create elmrc file
cd ~/.elm #go to directory where elmrc is located
pico elmrc #edit file, then add this line to the end of the file
signature = .signature ^x y RET #exit the editor

Last Modified: Dec 19, 2016 11:12 am US/Eastern
Created: Oct 24, 2007 1:42 pm GMT-4 by admin