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Connecting to IIS for CGT 353

Use the following instructions to connect to your CGT353 IIS web sites and space:

To access the servers file storage for IIS for your class website you will need to map a network drive to the following path:
\\\cgt353 OR \\\cgt353
Note that you can also map a drive directly to your individual webpage by using the path:
\\\cgt353\username OR \\\cgt353\username
When you connect to this drive you will only see the folders that you have access to (which will generally be only your own folder).
You will need to be on the Purdue network OR be on the VPN to connect to the servers file share the instructions for how to map a network drive on Windows are located here:        
Instructions for mapping a network drive on Mac OS are here:        
You will map the drive with your existing BoilerAD domain username and password (the password will be the same as your career account password).
Your login information will be 'Use another account' and then 'BoilerAD\username'
Your individual website for the CGT353 class is located here:
(Please note if this is a new webpage you will see a 403 - Forbidden error on the page UNTIL you put a default document in the root folder of the website)
While the class website for CGT353 is the same address without your username added to the end of the URL.
You can connect to the website in Visual Studio or through a standard mapped network drive.

Opening the Website in Visual Studio:

Open Visual Studio from the start menu and then go to:

File->Open Web Site

When the new folder browser window opens select the network drive that you just mapped to open the website.

Once the website is open you can edit it and make new files through Visual Studio, if you would like to make sub-folders you can make them either through Visual Studio or through Windows Explorer by opening the mapped network drive.

If you have any issues with connecting to your site please email

All websites are set up to use generic HTML and PHP, if anything else is needed for your website please email

Last Modified: Aug 20, 2021 2:04 pm America/New_York
Created: Sep 7, 2018 10:15 am GMT-4 by admin
