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Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit (WinNT): Installation

NOTE: Before you install any version of Dr. Solomon's AVTK, make sure that all previous installations of the AVTK have been uninstalled and removed. Do not merely install a newer version on top of an older version.

In order to install Dr. Solomon's AVTK on a Windows NT Workstation, you must first log on as a local administrator or as an administrator of the ECN Domain. Open the Network Neighborhood and double click on a local package server. You will need to give your username and login password again in order to access the "micro" directory, which contains the software for PCs.

In the micro directory, open the virus folder, then the "Dr. Solomon" folder. Find the folder with the highest version number in its name.

Figure 1
[welcome box]

Open the "installation folder" folder, then the "winnt" folder. Double click on Setup.exe. A dialog box resembling Figure 1 will appear. Select Continue. Another dialog box resembling Figure 2 will appear. The default path is recommended but another path may be entered. Select continue to move to the next screen.

Figure 2
[setup dialog box]

The next dialog box that appears should resemble Figure 3. This allows you to start the Scheduler every time you boot Windows NT. The 'Yes' radio button is filled by default. Select Continue to move on.

Figure 3
[scheduler dialog box]

The WinGuard Options dialog box, shown in Figure 4 below, allows you to install WinGuard. The 'Yes' radio button is selected by default. Thus, you can again just select Continue.

Figure 4
[WinGuard dialog box]

At this point, the files for the software will be installed onto your hard drive. For a brief period of time you will see a "Copying Files" pop-up box. After all of the files are copied, you will see another dialog box (Figure 5).

If you would like to view the README file that comes with Dr. Solomon's AVTK, click on the "Yes" button. It is not necessary to do this to continue the installation, so if you would like to bypass this step, select "No". Keep in mind, however, that you can read this file while Dr. Solomon is performing an initial virus scan.

Figure 5
[readme dialog box]

The completion dialog box, Figure 6, is the last step of the installer. Click on "OK" to finish the installation. Then the Find Virus program will launch and begin an initial scan for viruses on your system (Fig 7). This process may take several minutes, due to the large number of small files typically found on an NT system.

Figure 6
[completion dialog box]

The more space used by files on your system, the longer this initial scan will take. If any viruses are found, please notify your Site Specialist, particularly if Dr. Solomon failed to clean the infected Files (Figure 7).

Figure 7
[scanning dialog box]

Last Modified: Dec 19, 2016 11:12 am US/Eastern
Created: Apr 11, 2007 3:30 pm GMT-4 by admin