October 18, 2016

Faculty job opening at Swarthmore College

Position Type: Faculty
Priority: No
Degree Requirement: PhD, Post Doctorate

I was hoping you could help me spread word to both your upcoming and recent PhD graduates, or others you may know, about my department's all-ranks job opening for a position in the computer/electrical engineering area at Swarthmore College:


As someone who ended up going from a large research program (PhD from Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute) to a faculty position in a liberal arts college, I know that there's not always a lot of awareness of -- or enthusiasm for -- faculty positions at small undergraduate institutions. That's why I'm reaching out directly to programs and departments from which we'd like to receive applicants.

Although Swarthmore is a small liberal arts college that strongly values teaching, it is nonetheless possible to engage in high quality research here. Some of the factors which support this include:

  • We attract exceptional undergrads with great potential to become useful research assistants. Our top undergraduates compare favorably in ability with many early-career grad students, and their work as RAs is often funded 100% by the college.
  • The college has a generous sabbatical policy: one semester of paid leave every four years, extendable to a year with external funding. The first sabbatical leave is funded for a full year by the college.
  • The job comes with ample support for lab space and equipment. Furthermore, our new hire will have an opportunity to design their own lab space in a brand-new building, scheduled for completion in Fall 2020.
  • The college's location near Philadelphia is ideal. Not only is Philly a great city to spend time in, but there are many potential collaborators and facilities nearby at 8 engineering schools (5 of which have graduate programs).

Please share this information with anyone you think might be interested, and feel free to list me as a point of contact to answer questions about the position, our department, or Swarthmore itself. Additionally, if you can think of particular individuals who you think I might want to get in touch with, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Thank you,
-Matt Zucker

Matt Zucker

Associate Professor of Engineering, Swarthmore College
mzucker1@swarthmore.edu<mailto:mzucker1@swarthmore.edu> | 610-328-8636<tel:610-328-8636>