June 3, 2021

Fall 2021 Course: ME 537

Fall 2021 Course: ME 537
ME 537 Complex Fluids, used to be a ME 597 course, is being offered this fall.  It will have both online and on-campus CRNs. See the attached syllabus for full details.
Sheri Tague
Graduate Program Manager
Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
Rm: 1003B
West Lafayette, IN  47907
Phone:  765-494-2641
Complex Fluids - ME 53700 – Fall 2021
3 credits
Class Meeting Time and Location: Online
Course Instructor: Arezoo Ardekani
Office: ME2187 (765-496-0002)
Course Description: The aim of the course is to provide a basic foundation in the fluid mechanics of viscous flows and complex fluids. Students completing this course are expected to understand the physics underlying the constitutive equations for these materials and be able to model them.
R.B. Bird, R.C. Armstrong, and O. Hassager, Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids, Vol. 1. Fluid Mechanics, Wiley, New York (1987), Second Edition.
Other recommended references include:
S. Kim and S.J. Karrila, Microhydrodynamics, Dover Publications Inc. (1991)
Guazzelli and Morris, A Physical Introduction to Suspension Dynamics, Cambridge University Press (2012)
M. O. Deville and T. B. Gatski, Mathematical Modeling for Complex Fluids and Flows, Springer (2012)
See attached document for more details