Current Ambassadors

Emma Adolay

Emma Adolay
Hometown: Fishers, IN
Pre-med & Psychology Minor
Fun Fact: I have sectoral heterochromia - my irises are blue with patches of brown!

Madison Balgeman

Madison Balgeman
Hometown: Bartlett, IL
Certificate in Collaborative Leadership
Fun Fact: I love horror movies and true crime stories.


Libby Bare

Libby Bare
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Organizational Leadership Minor
Fun Fact: I have known I wanted to be a biomedical engineer ever since receiving a cardiac device at a young age.

Jessica Budde

Jessica Budde
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
BME + 1 for Master's Degree
Fun Fact: I participated in marching band in high school and have been a member of the Purdue All-American Marching Band since freshman year.


Emilie Chadwell

Emilie Chadwell
Hometown: Clarendon Hills, IL
Psychology Minor & Honors College
Fun Fact: I got a hole in one during high school golf team tryouts.

Lauren Culp

Lauren Culp
Hometown: Wake Forest, NC
Management Minor
Fun Fact: I love to travel and most recently visited Ireland.

Katherine Doyle

Katherine Doyle
Hometown: Arlington Heights, IL
Fun Fact: I have played tennis for over 15 years.


Kianna Gill

Kianna Gill
Hometown: Oak Park, IL
Collaborative Leadership & Cornerstone certificates
Fun Fact:I can do the splits.

Catherine Gemrich

Catherine Gemrich
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
Honor College, GEARE and Undergraduate Research Co-op
Fun Fact: I love to travel, read and go to the gym. 

Jessica Joslyn

Jessica Joslyn
Hometown: Buffalo, NY
Minoring in Psychology.
Fun Fact: I love playing sports, reading and being outdoors. 


Riya Mahajan

Riya Mahajan
Hometown: Doha, Qatar
Fun Fact: This summer, I made almost every receipe from David Lebovitz's "Paris Kitchen."

Nathan Petrucci

Nathan Petrucci
Hometown: Brookfield, WI
Minoring in Mathematics, Global Engineering Studeis and Pre-Med. 
Fun Fact:I once beat a turtle in a staring contest. 


Urja Raipancholia

Urja Raipancholia
Hometown: Dubai, UAE
Minor in Economics and Certificate in Applications of Data Science
Fun Fact: I did ballet for 9 years. 

Shreya Sinha

Shreya Sinha
Hometown: Carmel, IN
Fun Fact: I enjoy traveling to national parks and have been to more than 25!


Brandon Stock

Brandon Stock
Hometown: Rochester, IL
Organizational Leadership Minor
Fun Fact: I love rock climbing!

Dean Stornello

Dean Stornello
Hometown: Lake Zurich, IL
Double majoring in Neuroscience & BME
Fun Fact: I have many hobbies! Some are: I love to go fishing, playing chess and soccer, and I'm into aqua-scaping (I find saltwater tanks really fun to take care of). I'm very outgoing and love to meet people so if you have any questions please reach out!


Molly Tredway

Molly Tredway
Hometown: Vincennes, IN
Pre-med & Spanish and Chemistry Minors; 5th year MS thesis
Fun Fact: I am on the Purdue Club gymnastics team!


Elyssia Wellington

Elyssia Wellington
Hometown: Avon/Danville, IN
Psychology Minor, Co-op, Study Abroad
Fun Fact: I do competitive horseback riding for fun in my free time!

Vanessa West

Vanessa West
Hometown: Liberty, IN
Fun Fact: I have been to 20 national parks! I would love to visit all of them in my lifetime!

Aimee Wilson

Aimee Wilson
Hometown: Booneville, IN
Fun Fact: I have a Labrador Retriever named Birdie.