Ronit Patnaik  | President, The Timmy Foundation

Growing up, Ronit Patnaik’s family did not stay in one area for long. But, after his family settled in Carmel, Indiana, Ronit came to Purdue--his 8th school. While originally enrolling in chemical engineering, Ronit is now a senior in biomedical engineering. Ronit first chose Purdue because he loved the engineering program, the campus, and the fact that it is a Big Ten school. After reading about Timmy Global Health online, he went to the callout his first semester at Purdue. He was sold on joining the club due the leaders’ enthusiasm for the cause and the massive impact the non-profit makes. After rising up the ranks, Ronit has now completed a term as president of the student unit.


Timmy Global Health is a non-profit that expands access to healthcare in developing parts of the world. The foundation as a whole empowers both students and volunteers to lend a hand in tackling today’s most pressing global health challenges. College chapters help to aid by sending medical service teams to international partner organizations, which ultimately affects impoverished communities. They also invest their time by fundraising, serving, and advocating on behalf of Timmy.  Furthermore, the students traveling to South America learn more about Ecuadorian culture and healthcare while improving their Spanish speaking skills.

During his presidency, Ronit served as the liaison between the headquarters and the student chapter. Among his many duties were setting goals, preparing the agenda, organizing community outreach events, and then overseeing that these events ran smoothly. As president, Ronit’s goal was to increase and improve the advocacy of the Timmy Foundation events. He hoped that by doing this, he would be able to increase awareness on campus of the Global Health disparity. However, for Ronit personally he said, “The most important thing I gained was a humanitarian outlook and a belief that I can make an impact on the world”.


Timmy Global Health (President)

Boiler Gold Rush (Student Orientation Committee)

Biomedical Engineering Ambassador

Purdue Foundation Student Board


Ronit will be able to apply his experience as President of The Timmy Foundation to the rest of his time at Purdue using the new public speaking, conflict management, and organization skills that he has learned. Ronit would like to eventually pursue a career as a physician. Since you often work as a team in the medical field, he will also be able to relate the skills previously stated to his future career.

When asked whether or not members should run for an officer position Ronit replied, “Of course! We highly recommend our members to run for an officer position. An officer position allows you to have a tangible impact on the organization and develop amazing friendships." He then went on to say that being an officer will allow you to meet student leaders from other Universities and learn more about how a non-profit like Timmy works.


Top: Ronit Patnaik at the Martin C. Jischke Hall of Biomedical Engineering.

Middle: Ronit Patnaik applies fluoride to a boy during a Timmy Global Health medical service trip to Quito, Ecuador.

Bottom: Ronit Patnaik (third from right) and the Boiler Gold Rush Student Orientation Committee welcoming the Class of 2017.