Three Professors Receive Purdue's Teaching for Tomorrow Award

Craig Goergen, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, Meng Deng, assistant professor of biomedical, agricultural and biological engineering, and Ramses Martinez, assistant professor of biomedical and industrial engineering have been selected as recipients of the 2016-2017 Teaching for Tomorrow Award.

They are among fourteen junior fellows who will be matched with three highly accomplished and experienced faculty who will, over the next year, address important topics and experiences related to teaching and student learning.

The Teaching for Tomorrow (TfT) Fellowship program is provided by the Purdue Classes of 1944 and 1945 to foster continued excellence in teaching and learning and to facilitate the development of the teaching potential of the faculty.

This program recognizes tenure track or clinical junior faculty members who are committed to improving their teaching at Purdue and senior faculty members for their long-term contributions to teaching and mentoring. The intended outcomes of this faculty development program are simple: improving the learning environment for Purdue students and enhancing faculty teaching skills to meet the needs of our students.

Congratulations to Professors Goergen, Deng, and Martinez on receiving this award.