Recommended course sequence for the B.S. MSE Degree
Freshman Year
First Semester
- (4) MA 16500 (Analytic Geometry And Calculus I)
- (4) CHM 11500 (General Chemistry I) or CHM 13600 Honors
- (4/3) Written Communication Foundational Outcome course
- (2) ENGR 13100 or 1 (Transforming Ideas to Innovation I) or ENGR 16100 (Honors version)
Second Semester
- (4) MA 16600 (Analytic Geometry And Calculus II)
- (4) CHM 11600 (General Chemistry II) or CHM 13600
- (4) PHYS 17200 (Modern Mechanics)
- (4/3) Oral Communication Foundational Outcome course
- (2) ENGR 13200 (Transforming Ideas to Innovation II) or ENGR 16200 (Honors version)
Sophomore Year
Third Semester
- (3) MSE 23000 (Structure and Properties of Materials) Prerequisites: CHM 11500 or (CHM 1110 and CHM 11200), MA 16500
- (3) MSE 2nd year course*
- (3) MSE 2nd year course*
- (4) MA 26100 (Multivariate Calculus)
- (3) MA 26500 (Linear Algebra)
- (0) MSE 39000 (Seminar)
Fourth Semester
- (3) MSE 2nd year course*
- (3) MSE 2nd year course*
- (3) PHYS 24100 (Electricity and Optics)
- (3) MA 26600 (Ordinary Differential Equations)
- (1) PHYS 25200 (Elec. And Optics Lab)
- (3) General Education Elective
*MSE 2nd Year Courses:
- MSE 23500 Materials Properties Laboratory
Prerequisites: CHM 11500, MA 16500
- MSE 25000 Physical Properties in Engineering Systems
Prerequisites PHYS 17200; Corequisites: MSE 23000, MA 26500 (or MA 26200)
- MSE 26000 Thermodynamics of Materials
Prerequisites MA 26100, Corequisites: MSE 23000 CHM 11600 (or CHM 13600) with a grad of C- or better
- MSE 27000 Atomistic Materials Science
Corequisites: MA 26100, MA 26500 (or MA 26200), MSE 23000
Junior Year
Fifth Semester
- (3) MSE 3rd year Lab course**
- (3) MSE 34000 (Transport Phenomena) Pre-MA 26600 (or MA 26200), MSE 26000
- (3) MSE 37000 (Elec,Opt, and Mag. Props. of Materials) Prerequisites MSE 23000, MSE 27000, PHYS 24100 (or PHYS 27200)
- (3) MSE 420 (Structure & Props. of Organic Matls.)
- (3) General Education Elective
- (0) MSE 39000 (Seminar)
Sixth Semester
- (3) MSE 3rd year Lab course**
- (3) MSE 33000 (Proc. and Props. of Matls.) Prerequisite MSE 23000
- (3) MSE 38200 (Mechanical Response of Materials) Prerequisites MSE 25000, MA 26500 (or MA 26200)
- (3) General Education Elective
- (3) Technical Elective
- (0) MSE 39000 (Seminar)
**MSE 3rd Year Lab Courses:
- MSE 33500 (Materials Characterization Laboratory)
Prerequisite: MSE 23500
- MSE 36700 (Materials Processing Laboratory)
Prerequisites: MSE 23500
Senior Year
Seventh Semester
- (3) MSE 43000 (Materials Processing and Design I) Prerequisites: MSE 25000, MSE 26000, MSE 27000, MA 26500, MA 26600, PHYS 24100, MSE 33500 or MSE 36700
- (3) MSE 44500 (Materials Engineering Systems Analysis) Pre-MSE 33000, Co-MSE 43000 & 34000
- (6) Technical Electives
- (3) General Education Elective
- (0) MSE 39000 (Seminar)
Eighth Semester
- (3) MSE 44000 (Materials Processing and Design II) Prerequisites MSE, 43000
- (9) Technical Electives
- (6) General Education Electives
- (0) MSE 39000 (Seminar)