Safety Highlight: UVC Sterilization Boxes

Shown above is one of our three UVC sterilization boxes at work.
MSE is dedicated to both the safety and quality of our students’ and researchers’ experiences here at Purdue. In order to continue to provide the hands on laboratory experiences that our students need in midst of the pandemic, MSE has adapted in many ways. This includes making UVC (Ultraviolet C rays) sterilization boxes available to students and researchers to disinfectant lab tools and personal protective equipment (PPE). These boxes, which are located in the student lounge (ARMS 2118), are intuitive to use and disinfect supplies in under 20 minutes, keeping students safe from virus spread and other laboratory hazards.

Pictured above is one of the UVC boxes in use by a MSE 335 student. Maximum capacity: 1 lab coat.
Writer: Jenni Fifer,