Outstanding Junior Student in Engineering and Science is an MSE

Joseph Muth
MSE student Joseph Muth has received the 2011 Bruce Helfert Memorial Award as THE outstanding junior student in the Purdue Colleges of Engineering and Science.

MSE student Joseph Muth has received the 2011 Bruce Helfert Memorial Award as THE outstanding junior student in the Purdue Colleges of Engineering and Science. The Bruce Helfert Memorial Award is awarded each year to one outstanding junior in the College of Engineering or College of Science. Joseph is  the undergraduate student representative member to the College of Engineering Advisory Council, serves as a College of Engineering Ambassador and was named a top undergraduate researcher by the Department of Energy for his work at the High Temperature Materials Laboratory at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He also has participated in a wide range of community and sports activities and serves as a tutor for students in math and physics. 

The award was made possible by a gift from Bruce Helfert's mother, Mrs. Sylvia Helfert.