Dr. Elliott Slamovich named Interim Department Head

Dr. Slamovich
The School of Materials Engineering at Purdue University is pleased to announce Dr. Elliott Slamovich has been named the School's Interim Department Head, effective August 15, 2011.

He will lead the School while a national search is conducted to identify the next Department Head. Dr. Slamovich joined the Purdue faculty in 1994 and is currently a Professor of Materials Engineering. He directs research efforts on low temperature hydrothermal processing of ceramic powders and thin films, and thin film processing of solid oxide fuel cells. Dr. Slamovich has over 70 archival publications and has advised or co-advised 13 Ph.D. and 7 M.S. students. He received a NSF-CAREER award in 1996, has received the MSE “Best Undergraduate Teacher” award five times, and became a Fellow of the Purdue University Teaching Academy in 2002.

Dr. Keith J. Bowman, current Department Head and Professor, has accepted a position at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) as Chair of the Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering in the Armour College of Engineering. He will depart Purdue and begin his new position at IIT in August. Dr. Bowman joined the Purdue MSE team in 1988 and has played an integral part in the success and advancement of the School. We wish him the best of luck in his new role with IIT.