MSE Anti-Fogging Research Nets Journal Cover

Research from Professor Jeff Youngblood's group is the cover highlight for the March 19, 2008 edition of Macromolecular Rapid Communications.

Research from Professor Jeff Youngblood's group is the cover highlight for the March 19, 2008 edition of Macromolecular Rapid Communications. The fogging response of clean glass (left) and surfactant-based coating (right) after being removed from -20C freezer to a humid laboratory environment. The mechanism of light scattering in an individual droplet responsible for fogging is illustrated on left inset. A schematic of surface modification mechanism is displayed on right inset. Traditional anti-fog coatings are limited in their performance due to contamination by oil-based foulants. The surfactant-based coating is self-cleaning as it is readily wetted by water yet remains oil-repellent which enhances its use as an extended lifetime anti-fog coating.

For more on research from Professor Youngblood's group see
