Katy Rettig - Sydney, Australia

Katy Rettig, a Materials Engineering former senior, spent Spring Semester 2002 studying at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. In addition to taking classes in Australia, Katie enjoyed an experience that cannot be done anywhere in the United States.

A Chat w/Katie

Just what "is" Study Abroad?

Some may look upon studying abroad as a vacation or a relaxing interruption from school or work; a mental break from the stress-laden frenzy associated with college life and/or the business world. Be this as it may, my enrollment in an Australian "Uni" was likely one of the two or three most intense and therefore valuable life experiences that I have ever had. Aspects of my personality and inner thought that I had never even recognized before became apparent to me in six short months in Australia. Stripping oneself of the comfort of having ready access to friends, family, and the American lifestyle is a weightier subject than one might initially realize. It is this aspect of the experience that I derived most from.

A word about the academic experience.

Not only did I enjoy the staff and students at the University of New South Wales, but I also gained a better sense of the international respect that Purdue University has earned for its superiority in all areas of education. I came back to Lafayette with a deeper sense of appreciation for Purdue, the MSE department, and most importantly for the degree that I was pursuing.

Coming back home

The transition home was difficult; there was a definite adjustment period in which I had to force my thoughts from the natural beauty and diversity of a very foreign land. However, it was an experience that I would not trade for anything. The life lessons and vivid memories that I took from Australia have stayed with me and, more importantly, have helped shape the person that I am today. As a result of my trip, I am a more flexible, more open-minded, and more patriotic person. If you have the aspiration and resources to make this opportunity a reality, please do it. The benefits are inexplicable.

Overall reflections

Overall, I had an amazing time and I would recommend the study abroad program to anyone and everyone who can do it. If you would like information regarding Study Abroad Programs at Purdue, go to their web page. Also see the UNSW web site and their materials home page.