China Maymester-2008

Alex Olp


Why did you choose to study abroad in China?

I chose to study abroad in China because of how rapidly they were growing internationally in industry, along with the amazing price of the trip. On top of this, I have always enjoyed traveling so study abroad seemed appealing.


Why did you choose the Maymester program versus studying abroad for a semester?

I chose the Maymester program in China over studying abroad for an entire semester because I was not sure if I could handle or even enjoy the large communication barrier. In addition, my roommate went through the China Maymester the previous summer, 2007, and highly recommended it.

What were your daily activities throughout the trip?

The two main planned activities throughout the trip were visiting different Chinese universities to interact one on one with Chinese students and tourist activities. Which activity took place usually depended on the city that was being visited, for an example in Harbin we mostly took part in student activities whereas in Beijing it was almost always tourist activities that we took part in.

How was adapting to the initial cultural differences?

Initially from almost the moment I walked off the airplane in China, I noticed an immense difference between the style of life in China versus the United States. The thing that took me most by shock was how the different social and economical classes in Chinese society were all integrated. What I mean by this was how economically, billion dollar commercial buildings along with run down apartment complexes would stand right next to each other. Also, the old China was integrated directly into the new China. Modern buildings would show signs of old architecture and the Chinese style of life always incorporated roots of their past. This style of never forgetting their past made visiting tourist areas an amazing experience.

What were the most memorable moments from the trip?

When asked this, two distinct moments come to mind. Visiting the great wall was an experience that I will never forget and always cherish. The size and magnitude of the effort that was put forth into constructing the great wall is just beyond belief, especially with the lack of modern technology that was present at the time of construction. However hiking the great wall was pretty difficult only a few hours after landing, completely jet legged.

The second moment was our fair well party with the students of Harbin University. Upon arrival into the room where the party was held, the first thing noticed was a table of extravagant food that stretched for roughly 20 yards. Following the diner, the Chinese students that we had hung out with for the last three days all performed individual talents that they were great at. Well when it was the Purdue students turn we were lacking participants, I guess with talents available, so myself and two other guys tried playing some guitar songs. We basically were horrible but the Chinese students loved it.

What did you do during your spare time?

The small amount of spare time allotted was usually in the late evening. Each university that we visited was in a big city so there was basically anything that you were interested in, was available to you. Personally I usually went out to the bars or clubs. It was fun trying to interact with the Chinese that did not speak much English especially with how excited they usually were to talk to Americans. Plus the karaoke bars always proved to be a good time.