I2D Exposition - A Huge Success

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In celebration of the accomplishments Purdue engineering students and faculty have made in tackling international development challenges and to inspire greater achievements in this field, the I2D Lab Exposition was hosted on Friday, March 27.

Four invited speakers which represented a spectrum of international development actors rounded out the afternoon. Speakers included representatives from USAID, Catholic Relief Services, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and our keynote speaker Dr. Calestous Juma (academic expert in international development from Harvard University). Representatives from Dow AgroSciences, Millennium Water Alliance, AMPATH, and Maji Safi International were also in attendance.

25 posters of graduate research and student R&D projects in international development on display during the poster session. The categories covered by those posters included shelter & construction, water & sanitation, global health, education, agricultural mechanization, and energy. Posters were judged by invited speakers and other guests. Winners of the poster competition follow.

Undergraduate R&D – all tied for 1st Place

Development of biogas technology as a cleaner, more affordable alternative to firewood in rural Uganda

Thalib Razi (ME), Alexandra Milat (ME)

Advisor: William Oakes (ENE)

Abd shelters

Asjad Imran Mohammad (FYE)

Advisor: Michael Wilson (ENE)

Community-scale water treatment systems in the Dominican Republic

Andrew Kanach (Biology), Elizabeth Lunik (Ag Econ)

Advisor: Ernest Blatchley III (CE)

Graduate research

1st Place

Development of a cost effective treatment for neonatal RDS in low-resource countries

You-Yeon Won (ME), Hyun Chang Kim (ME)

2nd Place

Human-centered design of crop drying solutions for smallholder farmers

Ravindra Shrestha (ABE), Klein Ileleji (ABE)

3rd Place

Taxonomy of information framing methods for humanitarian engineering

Andrea Mazzurco (ENE), Brent Jesiek (ENE)

Many faculty, staff, and students came and went throughout the day, but all sessions were well-attended with an estimated 150 unique attendees.