
We use research-based and pedagogically sound program design to maximize your global and intercultural learning while abroad or in the courses related the GESM. Several of the College’s study abroad program leaders have been trained to facilitate intercultural learning via Intercultural Pedagogy Grants (IPG).
Several of our programs have shown significant increases in intercultural development. We can help you track your progress so that you can showcase your skills to potential employers.
GEPP’s team members are trained in a variety of assessment and developmental tools designed to develop global and intercultural competence. You have the opportunity to work with an Intercultural Development Coach and to get tailored developmental plans.
Contact us to learn more about how you can develop your global and intercultural skills. Purdue’s Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR) also has various resources and seminars open to all Purdue students.

Some of the developmental tools you will have access to as part of the College’s Global Competence Initiative as well as in some of our study abroad programs are:
- The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)
- The Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI)
- The Global Competence Certificate (GCC)
Studies showing the importance of developing global and intercultural skills to be competent in today’s global market:
- IBM Institute for Business Value - The enterprise guide to closing the skills gap. Strategies for building and maintaining a skilled workforce. Executives now point to behavioral skills as the most critical for members of the workforce today.
- The British Council Culture at Work - The value of intercultural skills in the workplace. Research showing that there is real business value in employing staff who have the ability to work effectively with individuals and organizations from cultural backgrounds different from their own.
Learn more about the global engineering experience employers are looking for: