GPRI Awards "Modeling Framework for Policy Development to Mitigate Drought Impacts in East Africa."

The Global Policy Research Institute (GPRI) has awarded a seed grant to Datu Buyung Agusdinata, associate research scientist with both the System-of-Systems Laboratory and the division of Ecological and Environmental Engineering, to develop a "Modeling Framework for Policy Development to Mitigate Drought Impacts in East Africa."

The project goals include developing a modeling framework to better understand the natural, physical, social and political drivers contributing to drought severity. The project will investigate how weather patterns affect water availability, which largely determines crop yields and food availability. The development of policies on water and food infrastructure to mitigate drought impacts will take into account the provision of other infrastructures such as energy, housing, and transportation. In a truly multi-disciplinary team, Dr. Agusdinata will work closely together with Dr. Venkatesh Merwarde of Civil Engineering, Dr. Jeff Trapp of Earth and Atmospheric Science, and Dr. Dwayne Woods of Political Science.