Introducing our new GEPP Ambassadors

Talia Beach

I am an undergraduate in the Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Program with an emphasis on Visual Design Engineering. I recently accepted an intern position for General Motors, Global Product Development this upcoming summer, where I'll be helping to design car parts for future models! Alongside being an ambassador for Global Engineering, I am involved in Women In Engineering and take classes in my free time to brush up on some skills; the one I'm taking now is learning Python! I also love to paint, draw, and work out.

As a newly appointed Global Engineering ambassador, I'm excited to tackle the task of teaching as many as I can about the worldwide opportunities Purdue has to offer, and my plan is to study abroad myself. I can't wait to see the opportunities I'll be given from such an experience.

Elliott Bissman

Elliot is an undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering, minoring in Spanish and Global Engineering Studies. As an ambassador for GEPP, Elliot helps with student outreach and ensuring information on international opportunities is readily available. They are also involved in GEARE, ALDPES, PSG’s PRIDE Ad-Hoc Committee, the LGBTQ+ Student Alliance, and more. While Elliot has not been abroad yet, they look forward to both studying and interning abroad, and are hoping to go to Ecuador in Spring 2023 through the GEARE program.