Global Engineering Photo Contest - Fall 2020

If you studied abroad in fall 2019 or spring 2020, we want to see your photos! If you were a spring 2020 student, we know you had a unique experience. Even though your time abroad was cut short, we still want to highlight you and your time abroad.


You must be a student from the College of Engineering that participated in a Purdue study abroad program during  fall 2019 or the spring 2020 semester. 

There is only ONE category:  SHOW US YOUR FAVORITE PHOTOS!  We want to see your Purdue pride, weekend travels, new friends, host university, or unique experiences.


  1. No professional photos.
  2. All photos must have you or other people in them.  No scenery only shots!
  3. Only minimal editing allowed. 
  4. One person may submit up to 3 photos.
  5. By submitting a photo, you are giving Purdue Global Engineering the right to use the photo on our website, social media, presentations, or printed materials.  We will not sell your photos.


1st place $100 gift card to the store or restaurant of your choice.

2nd place $50 gift card to the store or restaurant of your choice.

3rd  place $25 gift card to the store or restaurant of your choice


The top 8 photos will be posted to our Instagram and winners will be determined by the greatest number of likes. 

Where to submit:

Submit your photos as a .jpg to

Name your submissions in the following format:  Your name_country_Term abroad.jpg   Example:  JohnPurdue_Spain_Spring 2020

Include a 1-2 sentence description of the photo and specifically where it was taken.  Please make sure you send us original files of high quality.

Due date for submissions:

All photos must be submitted by October 23, 2020