Takayuki Miyauchi: Third year AAE Student in the GEARE program

Takayuki Miyauchi is a third year AAE student participating in the GEARE program. He is bilingual in English and Japanese and working on his third language; Germany. Taka is currently setting the GEARE program record for most international experience prior to graduation. By the time of graduation in May of 2020, Taka will have spent 24 months abroad. His experiences include a 3 month research internship at the Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany, where he conducted and analyzed flow simulations using RANS numerical approach.

Taka studied abroad for 5 months at the University of Bristol where his favorite course included Flight Dynamics and Control. The course gave him an opportunity to go gliding and experience some of the dynamic modes learned in class. Currently, Taka is completing a one-year internship at Airbus in Bristol. He is part of the future projects group working on ways to improve aircraft design based upon airline operational data. In the summer he will transfer to Airbus in Hamburg, Germany where he will continue with the future projects group for another 3 months. He expects to be working on conceptual design related to operation of fuselage and cabin architecture for future aircraft.

Takayuki Miyauchi

When asked about what he has gained from participating in the GEARE program, Taka said, “The GEARE Program has helped me develop not only as a professional but as a person. The diverse experience I have gone through is special for me in 3 ways. First, it has helped me mature as a person. Jumping into a new country, a new culture, a new environment is always exciting as it helps me become more independent. I was responsible for everything from reaching out to different people to expand my network, preparing documentations for various situations (Visa, work, housing), working in industry and interacting with adults on a daily basis; all in addition to staying physically and mentally healthy. Second, I have increased my self-awareness. The GEARE program has helped me self-reflect every now and then and this has definitely helped me a lot.  I have a much better understanding of who I am as a person, what my strengths/weaknesses are, and a more clear vision of where I want to be in the next 5 to10 years. Finally, I have had the opportunity to meet so many people with a diverse and interesting set of backgrounds. It is fascinating to see how people think and perceive things differently and I find it amazing to be able to learn from these bright, unique individuals. The people I met and the connections/relationships I built up was probably the most valuable part of the program on top of the hands on experience and the opportunities provided for personal growth and cultural awareness.”