2022 Seed Grant Award Problem Statements 

Good Health and Wellbeing

Problem #9:  Youth Substance Abuse

Country/Region of execution: Ituri Province, Aru Territory, Democratic Republic of Congo
Collaborating Organization: World Concern
World Concern, an international relief and development agency founded in 1955, focuses on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable within society, providing capacity-building for partners while having the flexibility to respond to disasters through relief and rehabilitation assistance. Currently, World Concern implements roughly $30 million in programming in its 13 country offices located throughout Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Since 1991, WCDO has received, implemented, and administered grants in excess of $59 million from USAID. WCDO headquarters is based in Seattle, WA, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) office in Aru, Ituri Province. World Concern is partnering with the Higher Institute of Medical Techniques/Salama University of Aru. The two institutions seek to improve the health and well-being of the population through innovative health care education programs, modern applied research, and exemplary clinical services. 
Problem Statement Description:  The consumption of psychoactive substances, in particular tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, constitute a real public health problem in DR Congo. It is attributed to the spread of non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and stroke, as well as the spread of transmissible diseases such as HIV, viral hepatitis B, and TB. Drug abuse contributes to the deterioration of health, gender-based violence, traffic accidents, crime, theft, rape, banditry, poverty, and mental illness. There are many young people that are exposed to these harmful habits and consequences. Currently, recovery from addiction is hard for the locals as there are no rehabilitation centers. There is also a general lack of mental and other health facilities to treat substance abuse. We are seeking a product that detoxifies addicts and demotivates their thirst for drugs and alcohol. This will greatly help many youths who are going to waste.