2023 Seed Grant Award Problem Statements

Agriculture and Food Security

Problem #4: Increase Benefit and Awareness of Breadfruit to Help with Food Insecurity in Haiti

Country/Region of execution:  Haiti

Collaborating Organization:  World Concern

World Concern is a Christian global relief and development agency whose supporters’ faith compels them to extend opportunity and hope to people facing the most profound human challenges of extreme poverty: World Concern works in Africa, Asia, Haiti, and the Americas. Established in 1955, World Concern works to alleviate suffering among the poor in developing countries and to address the root causes in each context. World Concern works in multiple sectors to build the capacity of village-based groups, non-governmental partners, and other counterparts to lead and sustain their development. World Concern is committed to best practices of inclusive, participatory, and accountable relief and development and maintains rigorous financial and program monitoring standards. Program assistance is provided on the basis of need alone, without regard to race, creed, or religion.

Problem Statement Description:    Haiti has been facing a tragic situation over the past three years. Currently, 4.7 million people are facing the food insecurity crisis, 2.9 million people are in the crisis phase, the percentage of people in IPC4 is increasing by 18%, and the affected areas have tripled. Inflation is raging and has reached 38.7%1.  The actions of armed gangs have disrupted the entire national economy. The recent resurgence of the cholera epidemic, already reaching more than 13,672 cases and 283 deaths2, 35% of confirmed cholera cases are children under five years old. Thousands of internally displaced people flee areas invaded by gangs, particularly in the capital of Haiti. All of these situations affect families who are already in extreme poverty. Many children are reported malnourished. Access to clean water and food is becoming increasingly scarce.

The rate of global acute malnutrition revealed by the last SMART nutritional survey carried out is 6%. It has also been shown that in Haiti, severe acute malnutrition stands at 2.1%, slightly exceeding the emergency threshold of 2% set by the World Health Organization (WHO), while chronic malnutrition is numbered at 22.7%. The achievement of objective #2 of sustainable development by 2030, "Eliminate hunger, ensure food security, improve nutrition and finally promote agriculture," must imperatively pass through the valuation of nutritious products for all groups, especially for children suffering from malnutrition. If nothing is done, the situation will be worsened.
Our proposed intervention considers increasing benefit awareness and access to crops with high nutritional value, such as breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis), constitute a solution to improve nutrition (and Maternal Child Health MCH), food security, and hunger-reduction. While opportunities are available, insufficient investment in product transformation results in the wasting of minimal resources available. Farmers' associations, women's associations, and local institutions, especially the local church leaders, are crucial to bringing long-term solutions to tackle the root of poverty through economic development strategies, particularly in rural areas in Haiti.
Breadfruit is the third most abundant fruit produced in the country after mango and oranges. This fruit is a rich source of fiber, complex carbohydrates, potassium, protein, lipids, mineral, and vitamins, especially vitamin C (48% of RDA). Previous studies on breadfruit flour have confirmed its superiority over wheat flour and demonstrated how breadfruit-based diets promote higher growth rates and body weight in mice. WCDO Haiti proposes to give added value to the fruit by transforming it into flour. This will increase its lifespan and its availability throughout the year. This new product would be distributed to vulnerable families to ensure that their children have a nourishing dish to eat and benefit from healthy physical and cognitive development.
1 https://ihsi.ayiti.digital/indicator-inflation)
2 https://www.mspp.gouv.ht/wp-content/uploads/Sitrep-cholera_07_D%C3%A9cembre-2022.pdf