Seed Drill Technology

Region: Bihar, India

The Challenge

The project's goal is to provide an appropriately designed seed drill that meets the unique needs of small and marginal farmers in the state of Bihar, India. To address the goal, a listening session will be organized to consider the farmer's perspectives. The project team will evaluate the field performance of the seed drill on collaborating farmer's fields. To ensure the sustainability of the effort, CRS personnel will be trained in the proper calibration, and maintenance of the seed drill, in collaboration with RPCAU. The proposed solution is expected to result in a farmer-friendly, affordable, localized, and scalable technology to meet the needs of targeted farmers.

The Purdue Innovation

This project won a Shah Lab Seed Grant in 2021 and is in progress.

The Partners:

Purdue University:

  • Dharmendra Saraswat, Associate Professor of Agricultural & Biological Engineering


  • Sanjay Patel, Associate Professor Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, RPCAU
  • Viji Arora, Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
  • In collaboration with Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA)