Low-cost Lighting for Girls to Read

Region: Senegal, Africa

The Challenge

Many girls worldwide do not have access to a reliable light and power source; learning remotely and at night is a significant challenge. This project aims to provide girls with learning tools to design a low-cost power and light source that can be renewable (solar) and scalable for at-home use. Together with Plan’s GirlEngage program, the project intends to implement a girl-centered, girl-led participatory design process based on Professor DeBoer’s prior work (Localized Engineering in Displacement (LED) curriculum) in Kenya, Jordan, and Zimbabwe.

The Purdue Innovation

This project won a Shah Lab Seed Grant in 2021 and is in progress.

The Partners

Purdue University:

  • Jennifer DeBoer, Assistant Professor of Engineering Education, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (by Courtesy)
  • Dhinesh Radhakrishnan, Engineering Education Consultant


  • Sarah Havekost, Plan International USA, Senegal