Financial Officer

Financial Officer Description:

The financial officer is responsible for developing and managing the team’s budget. This person will collect the budget information from all of the project teams and compile this information using the EPICS budget form, then submit the proposed budget to the EPICS administration for approval. This person will be responsible for making any changes to the budget required by the administration or the demands of the project and to keep track of the purchases made by the team throughout the semester. Before any purchases can be made for the team, the budget must be approved, so this role is vital to the functioning of the team.

Knowledge and Skills:

A person who fulfills the duties of the financial officer will:

  • Learn how to create and maintain a budget for multiple projects
  • Be able to track the expenditures for multiple projects
  • Be able to coordinate the expenditures of multiple teams to stay within a defined budget
  • Be able to work with the EPICS administration to acquire the necessary funds for the team’s projects


A person who takes on the role of financial officer is responsible for:

  • Review the Budget Presentation
  • Developing and managing the budgets for each of the project teams using the EPICS budget template
  • Submit completed team budget to EPICS administration by week 4 for approval
  • Posting the completed budget to the team’s Share Point Server folder
  • Tracking expenditures, updating the budget in a timely manner and revising if needed

Performance Criteria:

There are 2 basic performance criteria for the financial officer:

  • Create and gain approval of team budget within time frame needed by team
  • Effectively managing the team's budget and expenditure process

Financial Officer Resources

Information for Team Budgets

Budget Presentation

Budgeting Guidelines

Team Budget Form



Information for Purchasing

Purchasing Guidelines

Purchase Request Form


Grant Information

Student Service Learning Grants