K-12 Curricular Resources

The people behind EPICS

To See the EPICS Curriculum, go to www.epicsk12.org

EPICS High School Curriculum

EPICS High School Project Examples

EPA EPICS High School - Condensed Curriculum

This EPICS curriculum is designed and developed to assist students and teachers who are limited with the time that they are allotted to design, develop and deliver an EPICS project to a community stakeholder.  The students will be examining the community to determine the best use of time and resources that will not only meet the needs of the stakeholder, but also utilize the engineering design process. The curriculum includes all of the resources needed for students to progress through the design cycle while analyzing testing data to deliver a viable project.

EPICS High School - Full Engineering Curriculum

The focus of this curriculum is to give a framework for the students to walk through the EPICS Engineering Design Cycle. The students will examine their community and complete a design that will impact their community. They will identify needs within the community, develop the specifications for that project, develop a conceptual design which will be refined into a detailed design and will deliver the project to the stakeholder.


EPICS Middle School Curriculum

EPICS Middle School Project Examples

EPICS Middle School - EPICS Engineering Design Cycle aligned to the developmental level of early adolescence

This EPICS curriculum is developed to align with the EPICS design cycle but also to integrate STEM and ELA standards for the 11-13 year old student. This curriculum helps the teachers and students analyze the community to identify potential project and provides the curricular resources to help the students develop, test and deliver a quality service-learning project to the community.

EPICS Middle School - After School Curriculum

This EPICS Afterschool Curriculum was developed for Middle School students as a way to develop Service-Learning Engineering Design based projects that serve their community. The curriculum is aligned to NGSS standards and ELA reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. It is designed to give students and teachers the resources to be able to develop a credible engineering project in the confines of an afterschool club or a part of the special rotation.