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Abaqus Licensing

**Note:  Abaqus may not function 100% via a Remote Desktop connection.

Running Abaqus on a server

Research license

Abaqus Research licenses has the same functionality as commercial licenses. They can be used for teaching or academic research.

Teaching license

There are classes that uses Abaqus as part of the curriculum.  If you are in a class that uses Abaqus but cannot get a license, please email for help.

Here are the limitations of the Abaqus teaching license:

  • Abaqus models up to 250,000 nodes
  • No User Subroutines
  • Max of 4 CPU cores for parallel processing

Access groups

The Abaqus software is only available to licensed users.  Faculty or PIs must buy research licenses through ECN and provide a list of  users (usually members of the research group) who are allowed to use them.. Classes that use Abaqus must submit a list of students who need access to teaching licenses to ECN.  One has to be in an access group to be able to run Abaqus.

Number of tokens needed?

Abaqus licenses are called tokens. A minimum of 5 tokens are needed *per* job. If you want to run two jobs *at the same time* you would need a minimum of 10 tokens to do so. Three jobs at the same time, 15 tokens, and so on. More tokens can be required depending on the size of the job, the number of CPUs/cores you want the job to use, and the number of jobs you want to run at the same time. If multiple users are in an access group then the number of jobs that could be run at the same time can grow quite large. Here is what Abaqus says:

Licensing and Token Information for the Abaqus Research Edition

SIMULIA products are offered on an annual-lease basis. We use a token-based licensing configuration based upon industry-standard FLEXnet licensing utilities, which enables you to monitor and manage how Abaqus software is used. Each time you execute Abaqus, one or more "tokens" are "checked-out" from your token pool. Once your execution has finished, the tokens are "checked-in" to the pool and made available to someone else to use. The number of tokens used depends upon the product you're using and whether or not you are taking advantage of our parallel processing capabilities. (Our pre/post processor Abaqus/CAE always checks out exactly one CAE token). The number of tokens you'll need to purchase is typically a function of the number of simultaneous Abaqus users you will have, and the degree to which they will use parallel processing.

The table below shows the number of analysis tokens required to execute one analysis according to functionality and the number of processors used.

Product Number of CPUs (or cores)
1 2 4 8 12 16 24 32 64 128
Number of analysis tokens required
Abaqus/Standard 5 6 8 12 14 16 19 21 28 38
Abaqus/Explicit (including CEL)
Abaqus/Foundation 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 17 23
Abaqus/Aqua 6 8 10 14 17 19 22 25 34 46

This table shows the number of tokens required based upon the number of simultaneous users.

  Number of Tokens Required
Simultaneous Users Analysis Tokens* CAE Tokens
1 5 1
2 10 2
3 15 3
4 20 4
5 25 5
*Assuming Abaqus/Standard or Explicit with one processor

Purchasing tokens

Tr you or your group you need to send email to stating how many tokens you think you will need. We will get you a price quote. At that time you will need to provide an account number to proceed.

Where can you use it?

SIMULIA products including Abaqus and Isight may be installed on University-owned computers located on campus as well as computers owned by faculty, staff and students.  If using Abaqus on a computer located off campus, you will need to connect to the Purdue VPN.  Remote execution via Citrix-type servers, Remote Desktop, etc., is permitted.  Abaqus is available on all ECN-supported Linux and Windows machines. If it is not on your ECN-supported Windows PC, contact us for assistance.

More details about the SIMULIA Academic Program

On-line learning

Information about vendor-provided on-line courses.

Specifying which license type to use

The following document shows you how to setup your environment to be able to use the teaching or research license:

Last Modified: Mar 11, 2020 2:25 pm America/New_York
Created: Feb 1, 2012 1:31 pm US/Eastern by admin