Jeffrey Siskind Photo

Jeffrey M. Siskind

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Office: BHEE 313E
Office Phone: +1 765 49-63197


Purdue University
Elmore Family School of
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Max W and Maileen Brown Family Hall
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2035


  • B.A. in Computer Science, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, 1979
  • S.M. in Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992


Artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computational linguistics, machine vision, programming languages, visual event perception, child language acquisition, optimizing compilers for mostly-functional programming languages, programming environments, robotics

Areas of Interest

  • Indicates primary area for this faculty member. Note that a few faculty members have more than one primary area.