PhD Student Supriyo Maji has work accepted as Late Breaking News Paper in IEEE MWSCAS Conference
PhD Student Supriyo Maji has had his work accepted as a Late Breaking News Paper at the 60th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) Conference, which is to be held at Tufts University, Boston, in August. His paper is titled "Spin Transfer Torque Coupled Oscillators for Self-Oscillating RF Mixers". This is a follow-up to the work he published last year at 59th IEEE MWSCAS conference titled "A study on the phase noise performance of coupled spin torque oscillators". That paper is available for download at
Late Breaking News are meant to disclose new and exciting results and only a limited number of papers are accepted through peer reviews. MWSCAS is the oldest Circuits and Systems Symposium sponsored by IEEE and will celebrate its 60th conference with special events commemorating significant events in the history of MWSCAS.
Supriyo is advised by Professor Cheng-Kok Koh.