January 6, 2025

Writers' Rooms hosted by the Purdue OWL

Writers' Rooms hosted by the Purdue OWL
Writers' Rooms are dedicated times and places for graduate writers to work on their academic writing projects (e.g., scholarly articles, dissertations, etc.). Writers should plan to spend most of the two-hour block in independent writing; however, On-Campus Writing Lab tutors will be available for very brief, limited consultations if concerns arise during the writing time. Writers should bring whatever materials they need for successful work on their projects.
Anyone interested in joining, should sign up using the online scheduler under the "Group Programs" drop-down menu. All sessions will begin with goal setting and end with a discussion of what was accomplished.
Spring 2025 Schedule
Dates: January 13th to May 10th
Days: Mondays
Times: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Krach (KRCH) 230
(Note: No meeting on January 20th)
Vicki R. Kennell, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Purdue OWL
Krach Leadership Center, 2nd Floor
1198 3rd Street
West Lafayette, IN  47907