April 29, 2024

Microelectronics Jobs in Bloomington (Ivy Tech)

Position Type: Administrative
Priority: No
Microelectronics Jobs in Bloomington (Ivy Tech)
Hello Microelectronics and Nanotechnology Faculty and Staff at Purdue,
I am a Purdue Alumni, and am reaching out to make you aware of two positions, in the Microelectronics Industry, Ivy Tech Bloomington is looking to fill. Below is a link to each job description, but both can be found on the Ivy Tech Bloomington Career Page. 
I invite any questions and am happy to be a contact of anyone who may be interested. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you,
Michael J. Waterford, MPA
Employer Liason – Microelectronics & Department of Defense,  Ivy+ Career Link
Ivy Tech Community College - Bloomington
P: (812)330-6225 | E: mwaterford@ivytech.edu