August 17, 2023

Postdoctoral and Employment Opportunities at the Lab for Physical Sciences

Position Type: Research
Priority: No
Degree Requirement: Post Doctorate
I am reaching out to let you know that the Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS) of the National Security Agency in College Park, MD is presently seeking highly qualified candidates for select postdoctoral and permanent research employment positions.  
We are hiring! 
Attached please find specific information on those positions and how to apply for them.   We would appreciate it if you would disseminate this information to your students and other candidates.  
Please contact me if you have additional questions about our research, mission or employment opportunities.
Cliff Hull, Ph.D.
Technical Recruiting Lead  
Laboratory for Physical Sciences
8050 Greenmead Drive
College Park, MD 20740  
301-935-3155   chull(a)
The Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS) at the National Security Agency, is currently seeking highly qualified candidates for select postdoc and permanent employment opportunities at its College Park, MD facility.  Current opportunities include:
  • Postdoc positions – LPS currently has multiple postdoc opportunities for candidates who hold, or anticipate earning, a doctorate with research experience in the areas of solid-state physics, quantum physics, integrated photonics, radio frequency electromagnetics, novel materials / devices for high performance computing, and novel materials / devices for advanced sensing.  To apply, please send your curriculum vitae or resume to U.S. citizenship is not required.
  • Permanent positions – LPS is currently interviewing highly qualified candidates for permanent employment in the areas of quantum systems for sensing and/or transduction; electromagnetics engineering to enable high-performance wireless communications; integrated photonics for High Performance Computing (HPC); and, active devices for beyond Moore's law computing and cryogenic logic. If interested, please go to the website.  Close date on this ad is 6/13/2023. For more information or to provide a resume, please contact  U.S. citizenship required. 
  • NRC Research Associateships – In addition to traditional postdoc opportunities, LPS is currently seeking candidates for a limited number of highly competitive postdoc positions available through the NRC Research Associateship Program.  (Please go to for more information). U.S. citizenship is not required.
Since 1956, the Laboratory for Physical Sciences, in partnership with the University of Maryland, has advanced the physics and engineering behind information science and technology. A unique organization where university, industry, and federal government scientists collaborate on research in advanced communication, sensing, and computer technologies, the LPS currently houses three main research divisions: Solid-State and Quantum Physics, Advanced Manufacturing & Sensing, and Advanced Computing Systems.  
The Laboratory for Physical Sciences is located in the Washington DC Metropolitan area.  Home to many commercial collaborators, universities, government laboratories, and sponsors, the D.C. Metropolitan area is not only a great place to live, but an ideal place for a young scientist to launch a career. LPS also offers good benefits and a competitive salary.
