How to File a Professional Master's Plan of Study - Chemical Engineering

  1. Log on to myPurdue and click the "Plan of Study Generator" link found under the “Graduate Students” section on the “Academic” tab.
  2. This will bring you to the Purdue University Graduate School "Plan of Study Generator" main page – several options are available:
    • Create a new plan of study
    • Update a saved plan of study or one submitted as draft
    • Display submitted forms (both plan of study and changes to plan of study)
    • Create or update a change request for current approved plan of study
    • Modify a rejected plan of study and resubmit
  3. Click on the "create a new plan of study" link, and then follow these instructions:
    • Campus – auto-populates to West Lafayette (Main Campus)
    • Department - CHE
    • First semester of graduate study – select the semester and year you began graduate studies at Purdue
    • Email address – MUST be Purdue email
    • Click "Process and continue" button to move on.
    • Degree title drop down box – select MSCHE
    • Thesis/Non-thesis – select NON-THESIS
    • Expected graduation date – select the month and year you expect to graduate
    • Click “Process and Continue”
  4. You should now be at the new Plan of Study main page. This page has several major links, represented as checkboxes. Note that the first checkbox, student and degree information, is already checked as completed. You may, however, return to modify this information by clicking on the link.
    1. The checkbox links are:
      • Student and Degree Information - completed in Section 3, above
      • Research Project and Language Requirement - Click on this link to enter information.
        • Research Area - LEAVE BLANK
        • Concentration – ONLY FILL IN THE ‘First Concentration’ FIELD. Use these concentration abbreviations for the Chemical Engr PMP areas:
          • Biochem Engr Professional
          • Data Science
          • Energy Sys Fund & Process Prof
          • Gas and Petroleum Engineering
          • Kinetics, Cat & React Engr Prof
          • Pharm Engineering Professional
          • Polymer Science & Engr Prof
        • Language and method used to meet requirement – LEAVE BLANK.
        • Click "Process and Continue"
      • Coursework - Click on link to enter information.
        • Click the “Courses currently taken or those previously completed at Purdue University as a graduate student” link. This will generate a list of courses currently being taken or previously completed. For each course to add to the Plan of Study, follow the instructions below:
          • “Use” – select to use the course on your plan of study
          • “Area” – Indicate primary, related, or not applicable
            • All CHE core courses are “Primary”
            • All other courses will be “Related”
            • “Not applicable” – DO NOT USE
            • “B or better” – DO NOT USE
          • Click “Process and Continue.”
        • SKIP the “Transfer courses and courses taken as excess undergraduate credit” link.
          • Click the “Courses to be taken in the future at Purdue University” link. This takes you to a page for you to enter courses you intend to take. Note that an On-line course catalog link has been provided at the top of the screen for your convenience. 

            **It is recommended to have your myPurdue record of courses as reference when you complete this section. The course subject, number and title must exactly match as listed on your record.
            • Enter the following information:
            • “Area” – select related if the course is not a CHE course
            • “Subj. Abbr.” – select course subject as listed on your record
            • “Course No., Credit Hrs and Title” – enter exactly as listed on your record
            • “B” or better – DO NOT USE
            • If you are entering the MS Capstone course enter as: CHE 59700 Prof MS Capstone Project 6 Credit Hours
            • “Session to be Completed” – select appropriate semester and year 
              **The Purdue academic calendar begins with the Fall semester. If entering a course completed in Fall 2023, enter as Fall/2023-2024; if for Spring 2024, enter Spring/2023-2024.
            • “Add” – click to add course for use on plan
            • For spring admits and 3 semester track students, repeat steps for additional courses to be taken, if known. If not, skip to the next step.
            • Click “Process and Continue” to submit added courses. You will then be taken back to the previous page.
        • SKIP “Purdue Combined Degree Courses”
        • Click the "Process and Continue" button to return to the "create a new plan of study main page."
      • Advisory Committee – Click this link to enter information.
        This page loads two screens - the top entry screen and the bottom faculty search screen
        • Select “Co-Chair” in the “Participation of Member” field
        • Use the Faculty advisor search field below, and select ‘Chemical Engineering’ in the “Department” dropdown menu, then click the search button.
        • This will load a list of departmental faculty in alpha order along with the department code (CHE), and a five digit number called the faculty identifier. (C_____________________________________________ ).
        • Locate Dr. William Clark (C4829) in the list, then enter the department code and five-digit faculty identifier in the “Faculty 4+5 Code” box in the top entry screen.
        • SKIP “Area of Advisor” – DO NOT FILL IN THIS FIELD
        • Click “Add”
        • Repeat steps above to add Dr. John Morgan (C5472) as a Co-Chair as well
        • Click "Process and Continue." You will be taken back to the previous page.
      • Comments and Special Notes – Clicking on this link allows you to add a note of explanation about your plan. Skip this section unless you were instructed by the ChE Graduate Office to use it.

        Click “Preview Plan of Study” to preview your plan and verify all of the information was entered correctly.
  5. Once you’ve completed all sections of the Plan, please click “Submit as Draft” and an auto email will be sent to the PMP Program Manager to confirm that your Plan of Study is ready to be audited.
  6. Once the PMP Program Manager confirms the Plan is ready to submit, you will receive an email instructing you to submit the Plan as ‘Final”. You will log back in to the Plan of Study Generator and click “Submit as Final” to officially submit and save your Plan.

Please contact the ChE Graduate Office ( if you have any questions or need further assistance.