Technical University of Denmark Study Abroad Program
The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) was founded in 1829 and is located in Lyngby, Denmark, a northern suburb of Copenhagen. DTU is a world leader in fields such as design, wind energy, biotechnology, electronics and telecommunication. The university's biomedical engineering program is housed in the electrical engineering department and has a strong imaging and medical device program. We recommend that Weldon School students focused on the electrical side of biomedical engineering consider this opportunity, as the senior design project is programming heavy.
Weldon School students may participate in this program only in the fall semester of their senior year. You will complete your senior design project while at DTU, as well as take technical electives.
An email will be sent to Weldon School students with a link to the online application in mid-November each year. Visit Purdue's Technical University of Denmark Program Details page for more information.
DTU-Purdue Approved Course Equivalencies for BME
BME-Required Senior Design Courses
31560 Advanced Signal Processing
BME 495: Advanced Signal Processing (QB) + BME 488 Prelim. Senior Project Design
Special Course (assigned at DTU)
BME 489 Senior Design Project Lab + BME 490 Professional Elements of Design
BME Tech Electives
31540 Intro to Medical Imaging
31545 Medical Imaging Systems (the preferred Medical Imaging course to 31540)
34455 Optical Biosensors
42171 System Safety and Reliability Engineering
34550 Biomedical Optics
31529 Tissue and Movement Biomechanics
31590 Biomedical Product Development
BME Life Science Electives
27040 Introduction to Systems Biology
27230 Prokaryotic Cell Biology
27430 Eukaryotic Cell Biology and Disease
26126 The Chemistry of Metals in Biological Systems
26290 Chemistry at the Nanoscale