Ryan Budde | Summer Research

What type of research have you been working on?

I started working with Dr. Nauman on a tissue engineering project half way through my sophomore year. I work with three other undergraduate students to test the growth of various tissues on a new type of scaffold. The goal of the project is to expand the number and types of tissues that can successfully be grown in a lab. 

Why did you choose to work in Dr. Nauman's lab?

I initially became curious about research during the first semester of my sophomore year. I knew Dr. Nauman from an honor's section of a class I had taken previously. After meeting with him to discuss his projects, I joined his team.

What have been your favorite parts about working there?

Lab work is actually fun when you aren't getting graded for it or have to write a report after. It is very useful to expand your lab skills and see how things work in a real project setting.

How has this influenced your future academic or career plans?

It's a good point of comparison to see if I want to pursue research as a full time job. It's also great to see how university research differs from industry.

What advice would you give to students who are interested in doing research with a professor?

It's always best to go talk to a professor in person instead of through email. The biggest thing I learned is that its not like applying for a job. Talk with your professor about your interest, skill levels, and their projects. Sometimes it just doesn't make sense to work with a certain professor on certain projects, or sometimes timing doesn't work out.