Bioengineering Interdisciplinary Training in Diabetes Research Faculty

BTDR Co-Directors: Sherry Harbin and Raghu Mirmira

Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering

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Craig Goergen
Leslie A. Geddes Professor of Biomedical Engineering


Sherry L. Harbin
Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Basic Medical Sciences
Fang Huang
Reilly Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering


Tamara Kinzer-Ursem
Associate Dean of Graduate and Professional Education, College of Engineering


Jacqueline Linnes
Marta E. Gross Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering


Kinam Park
Showalter Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Pharmacy


Vitaliy L. Rayz
Associate Head of Academic Programs, Biomedical Engineering
Jenna L. Rickus
Associate Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning


Michael Sturek
Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology (IUSM)
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University (Courtesy)


Yoon Yeo
Associate Department Head and Lillian Barboul Thomas Professor of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy

Indiana University School of Medicine

Purdue University (external to the Weldon School)