Call for Posters - Indiana CTSI Retreat at Purdue

We are currently accepting submissions for our virtual poster session that will be part of the Indiana Clinical and Translational Science (CTSI) Virtual Retreat hosted by Purdue University on Tuesday, February 22, 2022.

To submit your poster, download a copy of the Poster Abstract Template Form and the 2022_Indiana CTSI Purdue Retreat_meeting_presentation template HERE.  Rename these files using your last name

Please, follow these instructions:

  1. Use the template for 2-to-3 PowerPoint slides to represent your poster content (download template here).
  2. Two-minute video presentation of your research. You can record this with Zoom.  Please show slides as the primary view with the presenter’s face in upper corner.
  3. Log in to Zoom.
  4. In the Settings, select the “Recordings” tab.
  5. Click the box to “Record active speaker with shared screen.”
  6. Start a Zoom meeting.
  7. Click the “Share screen” button and select your PowerPoint screen.
  8. Click the button to begin recording and start your presentation.
  9. Stop recording when you are done. Keep in mind that you can practice a few times if you don’t like your first attempt!
  10. You should be able to find your recording file in the Cloud or in your Downloads folder (depending on your personal Save settings).
  11. Use the Poster Abstract Template Form to complete a 200-word (max) abstract.

When you’re ready, please upload your video and abstract files to the Indiana CTSI Retreat at Purdue.  

If you have any questions regarding posters and related materials, please contact Tommy Sors (