Professor Nicholas Peppas Named "Newsmaker" By American Chemical Society

Event Date: July 15, 2002

The American Chemical Society will be recognizing Professor Nicholas Peppas as a Newsmaker for
2002 at their 224th Annual Meeting in Boston in August. Professor Peppas has assisted the ACS'
Office of Communications in preparing news releases regarding insulin delivery that have reached a
potential audience of over 54.4 million people via print and broadcast media. His research findings
received the most media coverage at ACS' national meetings this past year.

Professor Peppas' recognition as a Newsmaker acknowledges his efforts to promote chemistry to the
general public.

2002-07-15 08:00:00 2002-07-15 17:00:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis Professor Nicholas Peppas Named "Newsmaker" By American Chemical Society Purdue University