Competition Calendar


September 12th @ 5:30 pm ABE B073

September 16th @ 5:30 pm ABE B073





















11/01/2024  DEADLINE to Register Online for Competition

Team Meetings & Other Important Dates

All Team Meeting - October 14, 2024 - ABE B073 @ 5:30 pm
Phase I

Annette Bochenek - Market Analysis & Literature Review
Information Specialist, Purdue Libraries

Heather Howard - Market Analysis & Literature Review
Assistant Professor, Purdue Libraries

David Zwicky - Patent Search
Assistant Professor, Purdue Libraries

All Team Meeting - November 05, 2024 - ABE B061 @ 5:30 pm
Phase II - Due November 20, 2023 

Nate Mosier - Department Head, Agricultural & Biological Engineering,
Indiana Soybean Alliance Endowed Chair

All Team Meeting - December 00, 2024 - ZOOM @ 5:30 pm
Phase III - Due January 20, 2024

Meeting ID:  

All Team Meeting - January 00, 2025 - ZOOM @ 5:30 pm
Phase III - Due January 20, 2025
Prep for the Elimination Round

Meeting ID:  

Elimination Round - January 00, 2025 - ZOOM
Elimination Round - 10 Minute Team Presentation 
Elimination Round Questions

All Team Meeting - February 00, 2025 - ZOOM @ 5:30 pm
Soy Competition Prototype Help/Team Logos/
Final Requirements and Due Dates

Meeting ID:  

All Team Meeting - March 00, 2025 - ABE @ 5:30 pm
Phase IV - Due March 06 and 10, 2025
Soy Competition Final Requirements and Due Dates, Prep for Judging

March 2025 - Business Plan/Team Logo Due March 06 by Noon
Prototypes/Research Notebook and PowerPoint Presentation Due March 10 by Noon

ABE 2034
Nine (9) Final Reports / Nine (9) Packaged Prototypes  /  Team Logo (1)  /
Team Research Notebook (1)  /  Final Business Plan in Word (digital)  /  PowerPoint Presentation (digital)

March 11 thru 14, 2025 - Team Pictures - ABE 2034

Schedule Team Pictures with  /
Pick up Award Ceremony Polo Shirt

March 00, 2025 - Official Judging On Campus
10 Minute Team Presentation - 5 Minutes for Judges Questions
ABE 1164

Each Team will give a 10 minute PowerPoint Presentation to Judges, with 5 minutes for questions

March 26, 2025 - Award Ceremony -
Purdue Memorial Union Ballrooms

2023-24 Award Ceremony -
