Materials Engineering - Approved Technical Electives
Eighteen credit hours of Technical Electives must be selected from lists of courses approved by the faculty of the School of Materials Engineering. At least 12 of the 18 credit hours are to be selected from the approved list of materials-related courses below. Up to 6 credit hours can be chosen from the list of Support Area Electives.
MSE 49700 Selected topics in Materials Engineering
Electronics Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration
(Prerequisites: Junior standing)
MSE 49900 Independent Research
(Prerequisites: approval from instructor)
MSE 50200 Defects in Solids
(Prerequisites: Senior standing)
MSE 50500 Modeling and Simulation of Materials Processing
(Prerequisites: MSE 34000 or ME 31500)
MSE 50800 Phase Transformation in Solids
(Prerequisites: Junior standing)
MSE 51000 Microstructural Characterization Techniques
(Prerequisites: MSE 335 or Senior standing)
MSE 51200 Powder Processing
(Co-requisites MSE 33000)
MSE 51800 Failure Analysis
(Prerequisites: MSE 38200)
MSE 52300 Physical Ceramics
(Prerequisites: Senior standing)
MSE 52400 Mechanical Behavior of Polymers
(Prerequisites: MSE 38200)
MSE 52500 Structure, Prop Relationships of Engineering Polymers
(Prerequisites: MSE 26000, or MSE 34000, MSE 42000)
MSE 52700 Introduction to Biomaterials
(Prerequisites: Sophomore 60+ credits)
MSE 53100 Quantitative Analysis of Microstructure
(Prerequisites: Junior 74+ credits)
MSE 53600 Solidification of Casting
(Co-requisites: MSE 33000)
MSE 54700 Introduction to Surface Science
(Prerequisites: Senior standing)
MSE 54800 Deposition Processing of Thin Films and Coatings
(Co-requisites: MSE 33000)
MSE 55000 Properties of Solids
(Prerequisites: Senior standing)
MSE 55500 Deformation Mechanisms in Crystalline Solids
(Prerequisites: MSE 38200)
MSE 55600 Fracture of Materials
(Prerequisites: MSE 38200)
MSE 55900 Phase Equilibria in Multicomponent Systems
(Prerequisites: Junior Standing and MSE 26000)
MSE 56000 Production of Inorganic Materials
(Prerequisites: Senior standing)
MSE 56200 Soft Materials
(Prerequisites: MSE 42000)
MSE 56700 Polymer Synthesis
(Prerequisites: MSE 42000 or Junior 74+ credits)
MSE 57500 Transport Phenomena in Solids
(Prerequisites: Senior standing)
MSE 57600 Corrosion
(Prerequisites: Junior standing)
MSE 58600 Experimental Characterization of Advanced Composite Materials
(Prerequisites: Senior standing)
MSE 58900 Archeology & Materials Science
(Prerequisites Junior standing)
MSE 59700 Selected topics in Materials Engineering:
(Prerequisites: Senior standing unless otherwise noted)`
§ MSE 59700/51700 Hypersonic Materials (co-MSE 330)
§ MSE 59700/57700 Intro to Materials Science of Rechargeable Batteries
§ MSE 59700/57000 Material Modeling and Informatics
§ Superalloys and High Temperature Materials (MSE 270 and MSE 340)
§ Deformation Processing (co-MSE 330)
§ Steel & Al: Processing & Properties (co-MSE 330)
§ Lean Manufacturing
§ Sports Technology & Entrepreneurship
§ Kinetics of Materials
§ Dynamic Mechanical Properties
§ Dislocation Dynamics
§ Materials in Extreme Environments
§ Design Global Sustainability
§ Design Global Sustainability II
§ Solid State Materials
§ Magnetic Materials Nano Fundamentals & Applications
§ Additive Mfgr of Materials
AAE 55200 Nondestructive Evaluation of Structures & Materials
AAE 55300 Elasticity in Aerospace Engineering
AAE 55400 Fatigue of Structures & Materials
AAE 55500 Mechanics of Composite Materials
CHE 44200 Chemistry & Engineering of High Polymers
CHE 54300 Polymerization Reaction Engineering and Reactor Analysis
CHE 54400 Structure & Physical Behavior of Polymer Systems
CHE 59700 Special topic: Organic Electronic Materials & Devices
ECE 30500 Semiconductor Devicess
ECE 55700 Integrated Circuit Fab Lab
EEE 43000 Industrial Ecology And Life Cycle Analysis
IPPH 56200 Introduction to Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes
ME 41300 Noise Control
ME 50700 Laser Processing
ME 55400 Patents, Licensing and Tech Entrepreneurship – only 1 credit hour course
ME 55900 Micromechanics of Materials
ME 59700 Advanced Mechanical Engineering Projects I
· Environmentally Sustainable Design & Manufacturing
· Environmentally Sustainable Design and Manufacture
· Artificial Intelligence in Thermal Systems
NUCL 49700 Fuel Cell Engineering
PHYS 54500 Solid State Physics
PHYS 57000 Selected Topics in Physics
· Propulsion Design, Build, Test
· Phys Chemistry & Nanomaterials
· Fundamental Atomic Force Microscopy
· Phys & Material Science of Semiconductor Nanostructures
Last revised: 09/27/22