Alumni Survey

The purpose of this survey is to assess the performance of the School of Materials Engineering in preparing you for your career. As part of our overall assessment of the MSE program, we ask our alumni approximately 3 years after graduation about their subsequent experiences. In short, we are curious about your career to date (what you are doing and have done) and how we prepared you for it.

Your help with this survey is very important, as results from it will be used for continuous improvement of the curriculum in the School of Materials Engineering. The survey is completely anonymous and confidential.

Your Perspective on MSE
1. How well do you think your MSE degree prepared you for your current activities (e.g. industry job, graduate school, etc.) when you compare yourself with others from a similar background?
2. Please answer the following 5 statements in light of your experiences in industry or graduate school. This is a self-assessment of how you perceive you are doing. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? How important has each statement been in your career to date? How important was MSE in helping you achieve these?
Agree/Disagree Career Importance MSE Importance to Achieve
Strongly Agree Agree Ambivalent Disagree Strongly Disagree Very Important Important Somewhat Important Not Important at All Very Important Important Somewhat Important Not Important at All
A. I am successful in a MSE or other professional position or in a graduate degree program.
B. I contribute my Materials Engineering expertise effectively as members of engineering teams.
C. I demonstrate professional skills including continued professional development, participation in professional societies and organizations, and engagement in leadership positions.
D. I exhibit an understanding of the scientific principles and engineering practices that cut across all classes of materials.
E. I possess the communication and teamwork skills to facilitate career development both in technical and nontechnical areas.
3. In addition to your MSE courses, please mark in column I all of the following items that you participated in while obtaining your MSE degree. For each item you marked in Column II, please note how much your participation has contributed to your success today.
Participated Importance
Yes No Very Important Important Somewhat Important Not at All Important N/A
Research with a faculty member for credit (MSE 499)
Research with faculty for pay (SURF, etc)
Publishing or presenting a paper off-campus
Technical Meeting (ASM, MS&T, MRS, etc)
College of Engineering Project Teams or Design Contest (Solar Car, Formula, Rube Goldberg, Mini Baja, etc)
Study-abroad program
Internship abroad
Off-campus study in the U.S
Internship in the U.S
Volunteer service / PESC / SWE / Etc
Fraternity or sorority
Intercollegiate athletics
Intramural athletics
Club sports

II. Your Experiences Since Graduation

Mark all degrees received, and any degree programs in which you are currently enrolled.
Received Currently Enrolled
Second Bachelor's Degree
Law Degree (LL.B. or J.D.)
Medical Degree (M.D., D.D.S., D.V.M.)
Master of Arts or Science
Master of Business
Master of Engineering
Other Professional Master's (MSW, etc.)
Other Master's Degree
Biological Sciences Doctorate
Engineering/Other Applied Sciences Doctorate
Humanities/Arts Doctorate
Professional Doctorate (e.g. Education)
Other doctorate (Please Specify)

Continue with the next series of question if you are employed full-time or employed part-time and going to school.

If you are currently in graduate school or professional school, skip down to question 10.

If you are not currently enrolled in graduate or professional school, skip to question 12.

12. Please mark each of the following types of organizations in which you participated without pay during the last year in Column I. If you were an officer, please mark Column II.
I. Member/Participant II. Officer/Leader
Technical and professional society (See question 13 if selecting Column I)
Purdue's alumni association
Your graduate or professional school (alumni, fund raising, etc.)
Local government board
Professional association
18. Since graduation, have you participated in any of the following?
Yes No
Technically-based short courses
Management training short courses
Diversity training
Organizations that develop communication skills (Toastmasters, etc)
Safety training
Writing company standards or protocols
Other (fill in the box provided)

III. Information About You

20. Today, how connected do you feel to Purdue?
21. Today, how connected do you feel to MSE?

IV. Written Comments and Suggestions

We welcome and take seriously any candid comments you might have. The following questions provide an opportunity for you to provide these.