PUMA Blacksmithing Group was awarded a grant from the Forging Foundation!

Congratulations to the PUMA Blacksmithing group! 
The Purdue University Material Advantage (PUMA) blacksmithing group was recently awarded a $5000 grant from the Forging Foundation to support the forging club activities on campus.  Congratulations are in order to this interdisciplinary team of students, particularly James Beeman (BS ME) and Sajjad Jaffer (BS MSE) on taking the initiative to apply and compete in a national program (they were one of only 4 schools across the country to secure this grant) to grow the facilities for students to gain hands-on experiences in metal forging. 
If you’re interested in learning more about Purdue’s MSE-based club opportunities, please check out the MSE Undergraduate Blog for a list of officers in the fall. 

Photos courtesy of PUMA's Instagram Account @purdue_ma